The firm’s partner Miroslav Uřičař and a team of co-authors have published a work entitled “GDPR. A Commentary”. The commentary provides a detailed interpretation of the GDPR, taking into account experiences from the first two years of its effectiveness, including all relevant interpretative opinions, decisions and opinions issued by the Office for Personal Data Protection, as well as the guidelines of the European Data Protection Board. The commentary can be purchased here:
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). A Commentary
The firm’s partner Miroslav Uřičař and a team of co-authors have published a work entitled “GDPR. A Commentary”. The commentary provides a detailed interpretation of the GDPR, taking into account experiences from the first two years of its effectiveness, including all…
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Podcast with Maria Janšová
Our partner and employment law expert Marie Janšová was interviewed as part of the podcast “Právní Kontroverze” belonging to Právní prostor.
Project #FIRST100YEARS – Award for Maria Janšová
The #PRINÍCH100LET project, which was created in cooperation with Týdeník Euro, has announced the second unique list of the top women in the legal business!We are happy to announce that our colleague Marie Janšová is deservedly ranked among the TOP…
The Czech Public Health Service bill: What should they know about us?
The firm’s partner Miroslav Uřičař featured on news website Česká pozice with his article “The Czech Public Health Service bill: What should they know about us?”. The article outlines the issues of authorization for obtaining personal location data, privacy invasions…
Top Law Firms in the Czech Republic 2020
EPRAVO.CZ has published its 2020 Yearbook of Top Law Firms in the Czech Republic. This publication aims to give an overview of the legal services market as a whole and of the services provided by each law firm to their…
Termination of employment and discrimination against an employee on the grounds of disability
In the new issue 3-4 2022 of the magazine, our colleague Radim Doležal discusses a specific case that the Supreme Court has dealt with as to whether it was indeed discrimination on the part of the employer when it…
Congress Právní prostor 2024
Právní prostor 2024 congress also had our representation. Our partner Marie Janšová was again a speaker.